A short film.
The story of the eternal struggle of fathers wishing to make their sons like them, against the backdrop of illegal gemstone mining.
The story is set in the exotic Sri Lanka, an island where immense wealth coexists with hopeless poverty. The story centers on Andrei, a businessman from the DNR, who trades in illegal gemstone mining. Once again, going to the river, where in difficult and dangerous
The cynical and authoritarian Andrew takes his son, Philippe, with him. Overbearing and cynical, Andrew seeks to raise his son in his own image, but the young boy is alien to his father's ideas of peace. After a terrible picture on the river, right in front of little Philip's eyes, a conflict arises between Andrew and a Lankan laborer, resulting in the worker's dismissal. Losing his job is a great tragedy for the poor and bezambizious Lankan, because he is the head of a large family. Andrei, as a skilled manipulator, uses this situation to make Philip become at least a little bit like him. But will Philip learn his lesson the way his father wants him to? After all, children are pure, innocent, uncut souls.